Film permits are required for film, video or still photography shoots within the City of Rosemead. The Community Development Department issues the permit and coordinates any City services that may be needed.
Film Permit Application
Rosemead Municipal Code - Chapter 5.36 Film Permits
The following requirements are needed to secure a permit:
Certificate of Insurance which includes the following:
- Name of the insured production company
- Name of the insurance company
- A policy which provides at least $1,000,000 of Comprehensive General Liability
- Policy number and dates of coverage
- Certificate holder should be named as follows:
City of Rosemead
8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770
Completed film permit application which includes the following:
- Parking requirements (number and types of vehicles)
- Location maps may be requested depending on the project.
If the location is in a neighborhood or near businesses, we require that you distribute a notification letter to all affected by the shoot as far in advance as possible, preferably 48 hours in advance. A copy of the notification along with the list of addresses it was distributed to must be submitted to the City.
An applicant must submit a permit request on a city application form at least two working days prior to the date on which such person desires to conduct filming activity, including preparation, shooting and strike days. If such activity requires road closures, interferes with traffic, involves stunts or special effects, please contact the Planning Division at (626) 569-2140 for more information.