Used Oil Collection Centers in Rosemead
The City of Rosemead, in its commitment to protecting the environment, sponsors a Used Oil Collection Program aimed at encouraging residents to recycle their used motor oil. Under the program, residents may bring used motor oil to any of the following state-certified collection centers, where it is disposed of safely and properly. In addition, center operators offer residents 16 cents per gallon of used oil collected.
State-certified Used Oil Collection Centers
(Call for hours of Operation)
AutoZone #5475
9712 Valley Boulevard
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 579-4974
CIWMB#: 19-C-04891
AutoZone #5476
8350 Garvey Avenue
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 307-4842
CIWMB#: 19-C-04892
American Tire Depot
3675 Rosemead Boulevard
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 288-8662
CIWMB#: 19-C-05687
Jiffy Lube #2224
9655 Valley Boulevard
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 350-5794
CIWMB#: 19-C-04621
City Tech Auto Repair
8419 Garvey Avenue
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 572-9900
CIWMB#: 19-C-06678
Lima Auto Repair
4500 Rosemead Boulevard
Rosemead, CA 91770
CIWMB # 19-C-09780
(Note: All phone numbers are in the 626 area code. It is advisable to call before taking oil to any of the above centers.) Also call 1-800-CLEANUP or visit for information on hazardous waste collection, certified used motor oil recycling centers, recycling, and other environmental programs.