County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health Released a New Order
Published on Jun 16, 2021 18:25

Covid-19 Update

County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health Released a New Order

Effective yesterday, Tuesday, June 15, 2021, the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health Officer terminated the Blueprint for a Safer Economy and entered a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Safer Return Together at Work and in the Community Order replaces the prior health order in its entirety.

The new Order includes the following information:

  • Rescinds most Los Angeles County Department of Public Health sector-specific protocols and aligns with the State Beyond the Blueprint for Industry and Business Sectors and the accompanying memoranda and orders of the State Public Health Office.
  • Urges everyone, especially those who are not or cannot be vaccinated against COVID-19, to continue to exercise caution and good judgment as physical distancing requirements and capacity limitations are removed.
  • To view the details of the new Order, please click here.
  • To view the Blueprint for Industry and Business Sectors, please click here.
  • To view the updated Travel Advisory and Guidance information, please click here.

We take this pandemic very seriously and send our deepest sympathies to those whose lives have been affected by this pandemic. To learn more about the County of Los Angeles’ recovery plan, please click here.