Earthquake Readiness
Published on Jul 8, 2019 09:56

In recent days, the Ridgecrest earthquakes with magnitude of 7.1 and greater is a reminder for all us to get prepared. Don’t wait until after an emergency to prepare for an earthquake or other major disasters. Take this opportunity to assess your family disaster plan and emergency kit.
California is long overdue for a major earthquake. As a result, residents are encouraged to be prepared for a major disaster. In the event of a large-scale earthquake, emergency services will likely be overwhelmed, freeways and surface streets may be impassable, and public services and utilities could be interrupted for days, weeks, or months. Therefore, residents should be prepared to meet their own essential needs for an extended period of time at work, home, or on the road.
Here are some suggested items for your family emergency kit:
• Water (one gallon per person and pet per day at least for 5 to 10 days)
• Food (for a minimum of 5 to 10 days—don’t forget pet food)
• First Aid Kit and Instructions
• Flashlight(s) (and extra batteries)
• Radio (and extra batteries)
• Medications (prescription and non-prescription)
• Cash and important documents (birth certificates, tax returns, deeds, titles, and insurance papers)
• Clothing and sturdy shoes
• Tools (hammer, wrench, pliers, duct tape, sturdy gloves, whistle, etc.)
• Sanitation and hygiene supplies
• Fire extinguisher
• Large Heavy-duty Trash Bags
• Emergency Plan/Emergency Contact Information
The best way to survive is to be prepared! To gain more knowledge and skills, and be ready to take action for safety, take the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) classes being offered in your community and in the Los Angeles County. For more information about disaster preparedness and CERT, please contact, Mandy Wong, [email protected].