City of Rosemead Modified Services Annoucement
Published on Mar 13, 2020 19:23

At the City of Rosemead the health and safety of our residents and employees is our first priority. The City continues to monitor the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation that is affecting the State of California. As a result of the general advisement from the State Governor Gavin Newsom, we have made the decision to cancel or postpone all City events and programs in order to protect our residents and employees. In addition, all City facilities will be closed temporarily with limited access from the general public. The City will continue to provide essential services to its residents to the fullest extent possible.
The following changes are effective immediately until further notice:
- All City facilities will be closed with limited access from the general public. Please call City Hall at (626) 569-2100 to make an appointment with the desired department or click here for an employee directory.
- Easter Eggs-Stravaganza Celebration on April 11th has been cancelled.
- Senior Lunch Program participants will receive meals that they can take home, eliminating congregation at the meal site.
- Classes, trips and rentals of facilities have been cancelled.
- All sporting leagues’ events have been cancelled.Passport services have been placed on hold until April 13th.
The City Council will continue to hold public meetings via live web feed and staff will make accommodations for the public who wish to attend said meetings. At those meetings the City will be implementing level one social distancing. The City of Rosemead will continue to monitor the situation while we deliver essential services to our residents. The health of our residents and City staff is incredibly important at this time and we are taking all the steps necessary as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to ensure everyone’s health and safety.
To help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like the Flu and the Coronavirus, CDC recommends everyday preventive actions including:
- Stay home when you are sick
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using cleaning spray or wipes
- Wash your hands frequently
It is important that the community seek-out accurate information about the Coronavirus. Here are some online resources to stay informed with the latest updates: