"Safer at Home" Order: What it Means to Rosemead Residents & Businesses
Published on Mar 20, 2020 16:26

On March 19, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued a statewide order for all Californians called the “Safer at Home" order. In addition, Los Angeles County issued a separate mandatory order to slow the spread over COVID-19 within the County. The County order limits the gathering of people and requires the closure of non-essential businesses and uses such as: shopping malls, shopping centers, children’s’ playgrounds, and non-essential retail businesses. The County Order is in effect for one month beginning at 11:59 p.m. on March 19, 2020 and ending on April 19, 2020. The City of Rosemead’s residents and businesses are subject to the State and County Orders.
- Go to the grocery store
- Go to the pharmacy to pick up medications and other healthcare necessities
- Go to medical appointments (check with your doctor or provider first)
- Take a walk, ride your bike, and be in nature for exercise — just keep at least six feet between you and others in the community
- Walk your pets and take them to the veterinarian if necessary
- Help someone to get necessary supplies
- Attend a public or private gathering of 9 or fewer people subject to the 6 foot separation requirement, access to hand washing facilities or sanitizer with a 60% alcohol level, and the facility posting instructions not to enter if a person is experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness, fever, or cough, and complying with cleaning and disinfecting recommendations
- Go to work unless you are providing essential services as defined by the Order
- Visit friends and family if there is no urgent need
- Maintain less than 6 feet of distance from others when you go out.
- Travel to or from a job outside the City, unless to perform essential services
- Police services & Fire stations
- Courts & Jails
- Garbage/sanitation
- Public Transportation
- Utilities: Water, Power, Gas
- Public works construction, including construction of housing
- Airport operations
- (a) Grocery stores, certified farmers’ markets, farm and produce stands, supermarkets, food banks, convenience stores, and other establishments engaged in the retail sale of canned food, dry goods, fresh fruit and vegetables, pet supply, water, fresh meats, fish, and poultry, and any other household consumer products (such as cleaning or personal care products). This includes stores that sell groceries and sell other non-grocery products, and products necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences;
- (b) Food cultivation, including farming, livestock, and fishing;
- (c) Businesses that provide food, shelter, and social services, and other necessities of life for economically disadvantaged or otherwise needy individuals;
- (d) Newspapers, television, radio, magazine, podcast and other media services;
- (e) Gas stations, and auto-supply, auto-repair, car dealerships and related facilities;
- (f) Banks, credit unions, and related financial institutions;
- (g) Hardware stores, nurseries; building supplies;
- (h) Plumbers, electricians, exterminators, custodial/janitorial workers, handyman services, funeral home workers and morticians, moving services, HVAC installers, carpenters, vegetation services, tree maintenance, landscapers, gardeners, property managers, private security personnel and other service providers who provide services to maintain the safety, sanitation, and essential operation to properties and other Essential Businesses;
- (i) Businesses providing mailing and shipping services, including post office boxes;
- (j) Educational institutions (including public and private K-12 schools, colleges, and universities) for purposes of facilitating distance learning or performing essential functions, provided that social distancing of 6-feet per person is maintaining to the greatest extent possible;
- (k) Laundromats, dry cleaners, laundry service providers, personal grooming services;
- (l) Restaurants and other food facilities that prepare and serve food, but only for delivery, drive thru or carry out;
- (m) Businesses that supply office or computer products needed by people who work from home;
- (n) Businesses that supply Essential Businesses with the support or supplies necessary to operate;
- (o) Businesses that ship, truck, provide logistical support or deliver groceries, food, goods or services directly to residences, Essential Businesses, Healthcare Operations, Essential Infrastructure;
- (p) Airlines, taxis, and other private transportation providers providing transportation services necessary for activities of daily living and other purposes expressly authorized in this Order;
- (q) Businesses that provide parts and service for Essential Infrastructure;
- (r) Home-based care for seniors, adults, disabled persons, or children;
- (s) Residential facilities and shelters for seniors, adults, disabled persons, and children;
- (t) Professional services, such as legal or accounting services, when necessary to assist in compliance with legally mandated activities, and the permitting, inspection, construction, transfer and recording of ownership, of housing and anything incidental thereto;
- (u) Military/Defense Contractors/FFRDC (Federally Funded Research and Development Centers). For purposes of this Order, essential personnel may leave their residence to provide any service or perform any work deemed essential for national security including, but not limited to defense, intelligence and aerospace development and manufacturing for the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community, and NASA and other federal government, and or United States Government departments and agencies. Essential personnel include prime, sub-primes, and supplier contractor employees, at both the prime contract level and any supplier levels at any tier, working on federal United States Government contracts such as contracts rated under the Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS) and contracts for national intelligence and national security requirements.;
- (v) Childcare facilities providing services that enable employees exempted in this Order to work as permitted. To the extent possible, childcare facilities must operate under the following mandatory conditions: (1) Childcare must be carried out in stable groups of 12 or fewer (“stable" means the same 12 or fewer children are in the same group each day); (2) Children shall not change from one group to another; (3) If more than one group of children is cared for at once facility, each group shall be in a separate room. Groups shall not mix with each other; (4) Childcare providers shall remain solely with one group of children.
- (w) Hotels, motels, shared rental units and similar facilities.
City staff has provided information with links of resources to help businesses during the COVID-19 crisis on the City’s website: Economic Development Information.
We also want to remind our business community that the City’s Economic Development team is available to assist during this time of crisis and throughout the year. Please contact Planning and Economic Development Manager, Lily Valenzuela, to explore available resources at (626) 529-2100.