REVISED: Council Approves Urgency Ordinance Prohibiting Evictions Related to COVID-19
Published on Mar 26, 2020 14:59

*Revised clarification on bullet number 4.
City of Rosemead City Council Approves Urgency Ordinance
Prohibiting Evictions Related to COVID-19
On March 16, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order that authorizes local governments to halt evictions for renters and homeowners, slows foreclosures, and protects against utility shutoffs for Californians affected by COVID-19.
Subsequently, on March 24, 2020, the City of Rosemead City Council approved Urgency Ordinance No. 993, temporarily prohibiting the evictions of residential and commercial evictions of tenants arising from income loss or substantial medical expenses related to the COVID-19 Pandemic. To reveal the heart of this action and approved Ordinance, City of Rosemead Mayor Sandra Armenta stated, “By approving this ordinance, we are aiding those residents facing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, helping the business community, which has been greatly affected.”
The below is a summary only. It does not replace or override the application of Urgency Ordinance 993. To view the City’s adopted ordinance, please click here.
- Temporary Urgency Ordinance allows qualified tenants to defer in whole or in part rental payments currently due and which will come due until May 31st (unless extended), for up to 6 months from the rent due date if the tenant can demonstrate an inability to pay due to COVID-19 financial impacts. Rent will be payable in full prior to the end of the 6 months.
- Residential and commercial tenants must notify landlords in writing (including by email or text) that they cannot pay some of all of their rent and they must provide documents showing they have suffered a substantial financial impact related to COVID-19
- Financial Impacts related to COVID-19 include:
o A substantial decrease in household income caused by layoffs or a reduction in the number of compensable hours of work, or a substantial decrease in business income caused by a reduction in opening hours or consumer demand), or substantial out-of-pocket medical expenses if related to COVID-19
o A Tenant’s lost household income as a result of caring for minor children affected by school, pre-school and/or childcare closures also related to COVID-19
- *The Ordinance only applies to “no-fault eviction notices” and permissible COVID-19 related failure to pay rent and not if a tenant is violating other terms of the lease such as conducting illegal activities.
- If a tenant provides proper notice and documentation as required by the Ordinance a landlord may not act to evict the tenant during the effective date of the Ordinance.
- If a landlord violates the Ordinance it provides a defense to the tenant in an unlawful detainer action. The City does not enforce the Ordinance.
For the latest information on COVID-19, please click here.