Safer at Home Order Extended to May 15, 2020
Published on Apr 13, 2020 13:35

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has extended the “Safer at Home” Order to May 15, 2020. Effective immediately, all citywide facilities and parks will remain closed to the public until May 15, 2020. The Order is issued to comply with Governor Gavin Newsom’s Executive Order for all individuals living in the State of California to stay home or at their place of residence, except as needed to maintain continuity and help stop the spread of COVID-19. The Order prohibits all indoor and outdoor public and private gatherings and events. The Order also specifically requires all businesses to cease in-person operations and remain closed to the public, unless the business is defined as an Essential Business by this Order.
The County’s Order also includes a requirement for businesses to provide all employees whose duties require contact with other employees and the public with a cloth face covering to wear while performing duties that involve contact with others.
We understand that residents and stakeholders have questions regarding how to continue to conduct business with the City, in light of this action. To review the services offered by the City during this pandemic, please click here.
To review the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Order, please click here.