Great Plates Delivered Program
Published on May 7, 2020 17:20

The City of Rosemead has been accepted by the State as a Local Administrator for the “Great Plates Delivered” program, a meal delivery service to provide three nutritious meals per day for seniors. The City will partner with eligible Rosemead restaurants to prepare and deliver meals to at-risk residents in our communities. The benefits of the program are twofold, as it will provide economic relief to local businesses while support encouraging seniors to stay healthy while they are at home. Please be advised, this is a temporary program that is scheduled to end on June 10, 2020.
Individuals who wish to receive meals must meet the following criteria:
- Aged 65 or older, or 60-64 and at high-risk as defined by the CDC
- Lives alone or with one other program-eligible adult
- Not currently receiving assistance from other state or federal nutrition assistance programs
- Affirms an inability to prepare or obtain meals
If you are a local restaurant interested in providing meals, you may click on the link below to submit an interest form or contact the City at (626) 569-2169.
For more details please click on the links below.
Below are additional resources that are available for you: