Street Sweeping Parking Enforcement Will Resume on May 18, 2020
Published on May 14, 2020 16:06

In March, the City of Rosemead temporarily suspended street sweeping parking enforcement as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, the City, as well as our street sweeping services vendor, have done our best to keep our City streets clean. The City desires to ensure the health and safety of our residents and upkeep of City streets; therefore, street sweeping parking enforcement will resume on Monday, May 18, 2020.
The Environmental Protection Agency identifies street sweeping as a Best Management Practice for water quality control improvement. It removes trash from debris, sediment, fertilizers, heavy metals, and floatable material before it can reach our oceans. The City of Rosemead thanks the public’s partnership and collaboration during these unprecedented times.
For further questions or assistance, please call the Public Safety Center at (626) 569-2292.