Guidance For Retail Business Owners & Incident Report
Published on May 20, 2020 15:00

The County of Los Angeles is regularly updating resources on COVID-19 in an effort to keep you and yours informed. Please share the following up-to-date information:
Calling All Retailers!
LA County wants to guide you and your businesses as you embark on the Road to Recovery. In order to boost the local economy, and maintain the public's safety during the COVID-19 health crisis, LA County's Health Inspectors are making their rounds to ensure businesses (like yours) are in compliance with our Health Officer Order.
If you're a retail business owner, these are the 5 areas our Inspectors will cover:
(1) Workplace policies and practices to protect employee health
(2) Measures to ensure physical distancing
(3) Measures to ensure infection control
(4) Communication with employees and the public
(5) Measures to ensure equitable access to critical services
Make sure you're compliant, by following our full checklist here.
To help you protect employees and customers, alike, LA County's Department of Public Health created signs. These are ready to be posted on-site, to remind everyone how they can protect themselves (and others) from COVID-19. Here's an example:
You can download:
- "Curbside Pickup Only"
- "Please Stay Away if You're Sick"
- "Please Stay 6 Feet Away"
- "Wear a Cloth Face Covering" posters here.
If you still have questions on compliance, call LA County's Department of Public Health at (888) 700-9995 or visit DPH website for more information.
Incident Report
The daily report is a high level summary of L.A. County Emergency Operations Center's response to the COVID-19 health emergency. Click here to view.
Additional Resources
For additional information, please visit: