City of Rosemead Activates a Cooling Center at the Rosemead Community Recreation Center
Published on Oct 13, 2020 12:13

City of Rosemead Activates a Cooling Center at the
Rosemead Community Recreation Center
The City of Rosemead is happy to offer our residents and community members a safe and comfortable location to relax and cool down during heatwaves. The Rosemead Community Recreation Center (RCRC) serves as the City’s Cooling Center. The RCRC Cooling Center is activated when the temperature in Rosemead exceeds 95 degrees for two consecutive days. Beginning Wednesday, October 14th through Friday, October 16th, between the hours of 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., the RCRC Cooling Center will be open to the public. The RCRC Cooling Center is located at 3936 North Muscatel Avenue. For more information, please call the Public Safety Department at (626) 569-2292.
There will be open seating and restrooms available for those wishing to utilize the City's Cooling Center. The City will not provide meals or beverages; however, those visiting the Cooling Center may bring food and snacks.
The health and safety of our staff and residents is our number one priority. Therefore, to adhere to the L.A. County Public Health Officer’s Order, the following will be implemented:
- You cannot enter the Cooling Center if you have a cough, fever or actively following isolation on quarantine orders;
- Visitors must use a face covering at all times inside the Cooling Center;
- Maintain a minimum of 6 feet of space from other visitors; and
- No animals are allowed at the Cooling Center (except for service dogs).
The City encourages residents to check on neighbors and family members (seniors in particular) who may be sensitive to extreme heat. Residents should also take precautions and drink plenty of water, limit activities to cooler times of the day, wear lightweight and comfortable clothing, and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.
For more information on the Cooling Centers throughout the County, please call the hotline at 2-1-1 or click here to visit the County’s Public Health website.