Revised County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health Order
Published on Jul 16, 2021 20:08

Revised County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health Order
“Responding Together at Work and in the Community”
Effective tomorrow, July 17, 2021, at 11:59 p.m., the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health (DPH) will be requiring face masks to be worn by all persons, regardless of vaccination status, while in all indoor public settings and businesses. In addition, the DPH continues to urge everyone, especially those who are not or cannot be vaccinated against COVID-19, to continue to exercise caution and good judgment as community transmission of COVID-19 has rapidly increased from low to substantial transmission in one month.
The County reported 1000 new cases per day over the last seven days. This daily average case rate is at a higher transmission level from the rate reported on June 15th, when the County lifted physical distancing restrictions and capacity limits across all sectors. Therefore, we expect this Order to be in place until we begin to see improvements in our community transmission of COVID-19. To view the specific updates to the Order, please click here.
We take this pandemic very seriously and send our deepest sympathies to those whose lives have been affected by this virus. Residents, business owners, and employees must continue to observe the mandates and prevention techniques outlined in the Order. As a reminder, according to the County, failure to comply with these provisions constitutes a threat to public health and is a crime and punishable by a citation, civil penalty, injunction, fine, or imprisonment. To learn more about the County of Los Angeles’ COVID-19 measures, please click here.