Revised County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health Order
Published on Oct 6, 2021 16:34

Revised County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health Order
“Responding Together at Work and in the Community”
Effective October 7, 2021, at 11:59 p.m., the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health will require the following:
- Bars, breweries, wineries, and distilleries must require patrons 12 years and older to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination status with a photo ID for entry. Between October 7th and November 3rd, all patrons must provide proof they received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccination for entry to obtain indoor service. And, beginning November 4th, all patrons 12 years and older must provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 for entry into a facility with indoor service. Children under the age of two years are exempt. Additionally, by November 4th, all on-site employees must provide their employer with proof of full vaccination against COVID-19. A negative COVID-19 test result does not qualify as an alternative to providing proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
- Nightclubs and lounges only open to those 18 years and older must require patrons and on-site personnel to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination status with a photo ID for entry. Between October 7th and November 3rd, patrons must provide proof they received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccination for entry to obtain indoor service at a nightclub or lounge. And, beginning November 4th, all patrons must provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 for entry into a facility with indoor service. Additionally, by November 4th, all on-site employees must provide their employer with proof of full vaccination against COVID-19. A negative COVID-19 test result does not qualify as an alternative to providing proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
- All Outdoor Mega Event attendees, 12 years and older, involving 10,000 or more persons must, prior to entry, show proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 or a pre-entry negative COVID-19 (diagnostic) test result. Self-attestation is not a permitted method for verification of vaccination or test result.
- All Outdoor Mega Event operators must prominently place information of mandates in all communications, including reservation and ticketing systems, to ensure guests are aware of the County Health Officer’s Order.
- For all venues, attendees must always wear face coverings, except when actively eating or drinking.
- To view the guidance for verifying proof of COVID-19 vaccination, please click here.
- To view the guidance for verifying proof of a negative COVID-19 test, please click here.
- To view the updated Order, please click here.
Beginning November 1, 2021, Outdoor Mega event operators must cross-check proof of full vaccination or negative COVID-19 viral test against a photo ID for all attendees who are 18 years of age or older. In addition, operators are to make face masks available for all attendees.
Furthermore, all attendees at Indoor Mega Events involving 1,000 or more persons must, prior to entry, show proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 or a pre-entry (diagnostic) test result. Self-attestation is no longer permitted as a method to verify an attendee’s status as fully vaccinated or as proof of a negative COVID-19 test result.
We take this pandemic very seriously and send our deepest sympathies to those whose lives have been affected by this virus. Residents, business owners, and employees must continue to observe the mandates and prevention techniques outlined in the Order. As a reminder, failure to comply with these provisions constitutes a threat to public health and is punishable by a citation or fine. To learn more about the County of Los Angeles’ COVID-19 measures, please click here.