Join Rosemead’s Community Ham Radio Operators
Published on Oct 27, 2022 10:21

Join Rosemead’s Community Ham Radio Operators
The City of Rosemead is currently looking for volunteers that are Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Licensed Amateur Radio “Ham” Operators. Ham Operators often assist with communications during disasters by providing emergency personnel with critical information transmitted through the radio without the use of phones or the internet as an alternative when the communication towers are compromised after a major disaster.
In 2010, the Rosemead Public Safety Department formed an amateur radio group called the “City of Rosemead Emergency Communication Team”, or CoRECT. CoRECT is comprised of Rosemead residents who are licensed Ham Radio Operators that utilize the approved radio frequency spectrum for purposes of communication and personal enjoyment. CoRECT conducts a weekly radio check on Mondays at 6:30 PM on radio frequency 146.445 MHz and meets on the first Thursday of the month at the Public Safety Center.
If you are an FCC radio operator that resides in the City of Rosemead and would like to join and/or learn more about the CoRECT group, please contact Mandy Wong, Public Safety Supervisor, at (626) 569-2168 or by email at [email protected]
There are currently 55 active FCC-licensed amateur radio operators in the City of Rosemead that are listed on the FCC Registered Amateur Radio website. To view the list, please click here.
This is part of the Public Safety’s continued efforts to promote personal safety and to enhance the quality of life in Rosemead.
For additional information about Amateur Radios, please visit