Halloween Safety Tips
Published on Oct 27, 2022 18:28

Halloween Safety Tips
The Rosemead Public Safety Department highly encourages the community to follow these safety tips to keep children safe on Halloween.
- Stay alert for increased pedestrian and bicycle traffic on Halloween night.
- Be patient and SLOW DOWN! Give children lots of time to cross the street. Their costumes may impair their ability to see and hear, and young children may lack the physical ability to cross a street quickly. Children do not effectively evaluate potential traffic threats, cannot anticipate driver behavior, and they process sensory information slower than adults.
- Excited kids may forget to “stop, look and listen” before crossing the street. Children could quickly dart in front of your car.
- Be extra cautious in areas where vehicles are parked along the side of the street. Trick-or-treaters may dart into traffic from between parked cars.
- Watch for children walking in the street, on medians, or curbs, especially if there are no sidewalks in the neighborhood.
- Enter and exit driveways and alleys carefully.
- Trick-or-treaters should carry flashlights or “glow sticks”.
- Dress in light-colored costumes and/or add reflective tape to costumes and trick-or-treat bags to make them clearly visible to motorists.
- Costumes should be no longer than ankle length to prevent tripping, entanglement, and contact with a flame.
- Use face paints or make-up rather than masks—masks can impair vision.
- Children should wear comfortable, well-fitting, sturdy shoes.
- Avoid paper costumes and wear flame-resistant costumes.
- Small children should be accompanied by adults.
- Older children should stay in groups.
- Avoid capes that could pose strangulation risks. Capes can get caught on structures or protrusions your child may encounter.
- Make sure props such as swords, pitchforks, spears, wands, or knives are flexible (not rigid) with smooth or rounded tips to prevent eye or other injuries.
- If driving children to trick-or-treat, make sure they exit the vehicle on the curbside, not the traffic side.
- Trick-or-treaters should only visit houses with porch lights turned on.
- Never enter a stranger’s house or vehicle. Stress “vehicle” because some children might think it is okay to approach a van or bus.
- Stay on well-lit streets and always use the sidewalk. If no sidewalk is available, walk at the farthest edge of the roadway facing traffic.
- Never cut across yards or use alleys. By crossing a yard, you might be tripped by clotheslines or lawn furniture.
- Don’t run! Always walk when crossing streets or going from house to house.
- Cross streets only at corners and crosswalks. Never cross the street between parked cars.
- Remove masks or any items that restrict eyesight before crossing streets.
- Don’t take shortcuts through back alleys or parking lots.
- Cover one side of the street at a time.
- Look “left, right, and left again” for cars before stepping off the curb to cross a street.
- Stay away from open flames or burning candles.
- Don’t play near jack-o-lanterns as the candle inside could start a fire.
- Stay with the adult who is leading the group.
- Try on your costume before Halloween night to make sure it fits properly.
- Stay away from animals you do not know.
- Have an adult check all candy before consuming.
- Turn on your porch light. Provide ample outdoor lighting.
- Eliminate tripping hazards on your porch, yard, and walkway.
- Remove wet leaves from steps and sidewalks.
- Use battery-powered jack-o-lantern illumination. If candles are used, place the pumpkin away from an area where children will be walking or standing to prevent accidental fires.
- Avoid lighting sidewalks and driveways with luminaries (small candles inside decorative paper bags) as they could result in injuries when children are tempted to take a closer look.
- Pets can be frightened by Halloween activities. Restrain or bring them indoors to protect them from cars and trick-or-treaters.
By observing these safety tips and being extra cautious, this Halloween can be safe and enjoyable for everyone. For any questions, please contact Mandy Wong, Public Safety Supervisor, at (626) 569-2168 or by email at [email protected].
Come enjoy the annual Trunk-or-Treat and Haunted House, hosted by the City of Rosemead Parks and Recreation Department, at the Rosemead Community Center, located at 3936 Muscatel Avenue, on October 31st from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Kids can walk from car to car in the Civic Plaza parking lot to pick up “treats” and visit the Haunted House. Lots of spooktacular fun for the whole family. For more information, please call the Parks and Recreation Department at (626) 569-2160.