Cooling Center Activated at the Rosemead Community Recreation Center
Published on Aug 28, 2023 10:04

Cooling Center Activated at the
Rosemead Community Recreation Center
The National Weather Service has indicated that temperatures will exceed 99º for this week. The City of Rosemead offers our residents and community members a safe and comfortable location to relax and cool down during this heatwave. The Rosemead Community Recreation Center (RCRC) is located at 3936 North Muscatel Avenue and will be open from Monday, August 28th through Tuesday, August 29th, between the hours of 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The services available to Rosemead residents include open seating and restrooms. Meals and beverages will not be provided; however, those visiting the RCRC are welcome to bring their own snacks and food.
The City of Rosemead encourages residents to check on neighbors and family members (seniors in particular) who may be sensitive to extreme heat. Residents are encouraged to take precautions to stay healthy during a heatwave by drinking plenty of water, limiting activities to cooler times of the day, wearing lightweight and comfortable clothing, and avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun.
For any questions, please contact Public Safety Supervisor Mandy Wong at (626) 569-2168 or by email at [email protected]. For additional Cooling Centers in L.A. County please click here.