COVID-19 Test Kit

No-Cost COVID-19 Test Home Collection Kit for Rosemead Residents (Limited Supply Remaining)

On August 24, 2020, the City of Rosemead started the no-cost COVID-19 test home collection kit program for residents showing symptoms or having possibly been exposed to someone with COVID-19 to protect the health and welfare of Rosemead residents and as a preventative measure on spread of the coronavirus.  The test collection kit eligibility is determined following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. 

Currently, there is a limited supply of the test home collection kit remaining.  Inactive requests are being closed to increase inventory and kits not picked-up are being made available for new requests. 

How to request a no-cost COVID-19 test Home collection kit (revised):

New COVID-19 test home collection kit requests are being accepted by email at [email protected] as follows and pending inventory:

Step 1.  Please check in the link below that your home address is located within the City of Rosemead.  Properties outside Rosemead will not be accepted.

Step 2. Please email a kit request to [email protected] with the following information:

a.  In the subject line, please write; "COVID test kit request".

b.  In the email, please include your first and last name (one request per person) and your home address.

c. Attached a photo or a scan PDF of one of the following item to verify Rosemead residency:

- Driver's License or ID with your name and Rosemead address.

- Current utility bill with your name and Rosemead address.

- Current mortgage/rent receipt with your name and Rosemead address.

- Or another document to be approved.

If a kit is available and Rosemead residency is verified, we will tentatively reserve a kit and email you a reservation number.

Step 3. You will receive website link to the kit request form with the reservation number.  Please complete the form within 48-hours.  Inactive requests will be closed and the kit will be made available for new requests. 

Step 4. Once you complete the form, a kit ID number will be assigned that will be used to arrange pickup of your kit.  

Step 5.  Self-collect sample at home and mail to the lab the same day using the prepaid overnight delivery label in the kit.  Please do not forget to register your kit with before mailing the sample.  Instruction video can be found here.  

Please continue to do your part and take all measures our local, state, and federal partners recommend to keep you and your families healthy and safe.
Keeping the community safe and informed is the City’s highest priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. To view more information on programs and services available for residents and businesses, please click