All property in the City of Rosemead is divided into zones. Each zone is designated with certain permitted, conditional and prohibited uses for the land. The purpose of a "conditional use permit" is to allow for special consideration of certain specified uses which may or may not be compatible with an area depending on the specifics of the particular project. The conditional use permit process gives the City sufficient flexibility to determine whether a specific land use on a given site will be compatible with the environment and the General Plan. In reviewing a conditional use permit application, the staff and Planning Commission will evaluate items such as building placement and size, characteristic of the use, traffic generation, noise, hours of operation, adequacy of parking, circulation, proposed merchandise, landscaping and overall compatibility of the use with adjoining properties and other related development impacts. Conditions may be imposed as necessary to ensure that the proposed use will be compatible with the surrounding properties and environment.
NOTE: Do not initiate any legal or financial agreement nor begin operations until approval by the Planning Commission.
To ensure that applicants have gathered all necessary documents and information, a list of conditional use permit requirements and a Conditional Use Permit Application have been created.
Please contact the Planning Division prior to submitting a Conditional Use Permit Application at (626) 569-2140. The Planning Division is located at Rosemead City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Blvd. The Planning Division counter hours are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.