Project Description
In March 2023, the City of Rosemead launched a new Zoning Code and General Plan update to revise the City’s existing Zoning standards to support continued growth and demand for housing and mixed-use projects. The updated standards will simplify and clarify the code requirements and to be consistent with new goals, policies, and implementation strategies outlined in the 2021-2029 Housing Element.
The goals of this effort are to:
- Support Housing and Mixed-Use: Create the right conditions to allow enough housing (affordable housing and market-rate) to satisfy anticipated demand, as projected by the 2021-2029 Housing Element and the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA).
- Provide Clarity and Consistency: Make the code easier to understand with definitions, standards, approval processes, and related regulations to help all community members, applicants, and City officials navigate the code and minimize inconsistencies and the need for interpretations.
- Comply with New State Laws: The Zoning Code and General Plan update will incorporate zoning standards that are consistent with new California state laws that have been recently ratified, such as:
-Housing Crisis Act (SB 330/SB 8)
-Affordable Housing and Jobs Act (SB 2)
-Parking in Major Transit Areas (AB 2097)
-Accessory Dwelling Units (SB 897/AB 2221)
-Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act (AB 2011)
-State Density Bonus for Affordable Housing (AB 682/AB 2334)
- Provide Compliance with Environmental Certification: Every “Project” in California must demonstrate that it addresses and protects existing environmental resources to the appropriate degree possible. Under the guidance of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), any changes to the Zoning Code or General Plan will be analyzed and mitigated accordingly.
- Demystify the Planning Process: A final and overarching goal is to support greater understanding and transparency of the City’s planning process. This update will have public hearings that will solicit community feedback to further guide the process.
Why is this Important?
On August 1, 2022, the City’s Housing Element Update was certified by the CA Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Following certification, the City must update the General Plan and Zoning Code to make sure that the right regulations are in place to support enough residential growth to meet projected housing demands, which are projected to be 4,612 additional housing units by the end of 2029.
By simplifying some zoning standards and expanding where mixed-use projects can be located, the City of Rosemead will be able to provide greater opportunities for housing and allow our city to have a competitive advantage in the region.
Project Timeline & Next Steps
The whole process will continue through the end of 2023, and into 2024. A joint City Council and Planning Commission Public Workshop is anticipated in 2024. Additional details will be provided closer to the workshop date.
- Joint City Council and Planning Commission Public Workshop (NEW!)
On May 22, 2024, the Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission will hold a workshop for the General Plan and Zoning Code Update. The workshop will provide updates of the efforts of the General Plan and Zoning Code Update and provide an opportunity for the City to solicit feedback. To view the notice, please click here.
- Joint City Council and Planning Commission Public Workshop (Canceled)
On April 18, 2024, the Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission will hold a workshop for the General Plan and Zoning Code Update. The workshop will provide updates of the efforts of the General Plan and Zoning Code Update and provide an opportunity for the City to solicit feedback. To view the notice, please click here.
***UPDATE: The City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Workshop that was originally scheduled for April 18, 2024 has been canceled. To view the notice of cancellation, please click here. A new date will be scheduled in the near future.***
How can I participate?
- Attend the City Council-Planning Commission Public Workshop in 2024.
- Comment on Public Drafts of the updated Zoning standards when they are released for review.
- Contact our Planning staff with any Comments & Questions
Phone: 626-569-2140