Calling all young creative writers and inspiring poets! The City of Rosemead's Anti-Hate Poetry Contest is open to students ages 5 to 17 years old who live in the City of Rosemead Students may use any poem format and length of their choosing. Submission forms for the Anti-Hate poetry contest are available here on the link below beginning March 1, 2024. All submission must be received by Friday April 19, 2024. Poems will be judged on the following criteria: Interpretation of the Anti-Hate theme, technical skill, originality, creativity and uniqueness. Winners will be recognized at a City Council meeting in the month of May 2024.
Entry Guidelines
Entries will be judged on how the contestant applies to the Anti-Hate theme. All poems must be original and created entirely by the participant. Any poem that is copyrighted will be disqualified. For example, no poem may be taken directly from music lyrics or dialogue included in copyrighted music, television shows, movies, video games, or books will be accepted. Participants must title their work and include the title on the entry form. Entries must not be offensive, inappropriate, or discriminatory in any way. All poems should follow the theme and the spirit of the contest. Entries must not have content, material, or any element that is unlawful.
Samples of Judging Criteria
Interpretation of the Theme
Technical Skills
Download Entry Form HERE.
For questions, please call (626) 569-2212.