Republic Services (Consolidated Disposal Service)
Toll Free (800) 299-4898
Locally (562) 347-4000
For information on the City's commercial, multi-family and residential recycling programs please see below:
City of Rosemead
Republic Services provides exclusive waste and recycling collection services for residential and commercial accounts for the City of Rosemead. We offer one-stop shopping for all of the city's waste removal needs. Although we specialize in solid waste and recycling collection, our services go far beyond just emptying the trash bins.
Container Sizes:
- Trash (black): 96-gallon
- Recycling (blue): 96-gallon
- Organic Waste (green): 96-gallon
Smaller sized containers are available upon request. There are no charges for additional recycling and/or green waste containers. Please contact our customer service department at 800-299-4898 to schedule a delivery or replacement. Each residence receives one set of carts, consisting of trash (Black), recycling (Blue) and organic waste (Green). Additional 64 gallon recycle carts and 32 gallon green waste carts are available for free upon request, Republic Services will provide additional recycling and organic waste carts at no charge. Please contact our customer service department at (800) 299-4898 to schedule a delivery or replacement.
Compost and Shredding Events
City of Rosemead, in partnership with Republic Services, host Semi-Annual (Spring and Fall) Compost and Shredding Events. See flyer for more information: Compost and Shredding Event Flyer
Household Hazardous Waste and E-Waste
For City E-Waste Recycling information, click HERE.
Information on disposing of Household Hazardous Waste and E-Waste can be obtained by calling:
1-888-Clean-LA or 1-800-238-0172. You can also dispose of used motor oil at more than 600 oil recycling centers in Los Angeles County. For a complete listing call: 1-888-Clean-LA.
Proper Cart Placement for Curb Pick-up

Why did I get a red tag on my cart?

City of Rosemead Mulch/Compost Event
The City of Rosemead occasionally hold composting events where residents are able to collect mulch/compost for use in your garden. Watch for bulletins regarding composting events that you can take advantage of to increase your water savings, and provide nutrients to your soil.
Additional Residential Services - Bulky Items
- Single Family Residential Customers shall receive four (25) bulky item(s) pickups per year for free. There is a limit of 5 items per pickup.
- Bulky items serviced on your normally scheduled trash pick-up days.
- Bulky items include: furniture (chairs, sofas, mattresses and rugs); appliances (refrigerators, ranges, washers, dryers, water heaters, dishwashers, plumbing and small household appliances); and electronic waste.
- Please contact Republic Service 24 hours in advance of pickup at (800) 299-4898.
Holiday Tree Collection
Republic Services will collect Christmas trees on regular collection days commencing the day after Christmas and culminating 3 weeks thereafter. Trees should be cut to no longer than 5 feet. The lights, ornaments and tree stands must be removed before placing at curbside.
Commercial Recycling
Effective Sunday, July 1, 2012, the State of California passed Assembly Bill 341 (AB 341) which requires mandatory recycling for multi-family residential dwellings of five (5) units or more and businesses that generate more than 4-cubic yards of commercial solid waste per week. For business that are interested in implementing on-site recycling, Republic Services offers recycling for free. If you would like to schedule a free on-site assessment, please call our customer services department for more information.
Certificates of Recognition
Each year the City of Rosemead, in conjunction with the Los Angeles County Regional Agency (LARA), recognizes businesses within the City of Rosemead, for their efforts and contributions towards waste diversion. To tell us what efforts you are making, or to find out how you can increase your recycling efforts, contact customer service department at (800) 299-4898.
Additional Commercial Services
Bulky item pickup is available to commercial business. If you would like to find out more, please call our customer service department at (800) 299-4898.
Bottle and Can Recycling Center In Rosemead
CA Recycle Inc located at 8150 Garvey Avenue, Rosemead, CA 90270. Phone # 323-267-0224.
City Liaison: (562) 518-5750
Or you may visit their website at:
Call Center Hours
Monday thru Friday: 7:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday: 7:00am - 12:00pm
Payment Center
Monday thru Friday: 7:00am - 5:00pm