On March 24, 2023, Governor Newsom issued the latest Executive Order N-7-22 that eases drought emergency provisions due to current water conditions. Executive Order N-5-23 maintains certain measures that support communities still facing water supply challenges, and in hopes of building up long-term water resilience.
While recent storms have helped ease the immediate drought impacts, some regions and communities across the state continue to experience water supply shortages. Communities that rely heavily on groundwater supplies depleted from overreliance and successive multi-year droughts will continue to observe conservation measures.
On March 28, 2022, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-7-22 calling on urban water suppliers to implement actions to reduce water usage by 20-30 percent, depending on local conditions. In response, water usage goals and measures have been designed to achieve reductions due to the water supply shortage. By making simple changes in your daily routine you can help make a positive impact on water conservation.
The City does not own or operate water services within Rosemead. For more information regarding water-use restrictions and watering schedules, please contact your water service provider for your area.
City of Rosemead Water Districts Map
California Water Board - Second Water Conservation Emergency Regulation of 2022 FAQ
(626) 614-2536
California American Water is moving back to a three-days-per-week watering schedule for outdoor landscaping, after winter storms helped ease state water shortage conditions. This comes after Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) lifted emergency water restrictions for the area recently; those restrictions had been in effect since June 1, 2022.
Beginning June 1, 2023, California American Water is encouraging all Los Angeles District customers to follow the below recommended watering schedule.
Recommended Watering Schedule:
- Limit outdoor water use to three days per week.
- Odd Address (Addresses ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9): Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday
- Even Address (Addresses ending in 2, 4, 6, 8, 0): Monday, Thursday, and Saturday
- No watering on Wednesday.
- To avoid evaporation, we recommend customers water outdoors before 9:00 a.m. or after sunset.
- Watering should be limited to a total of 10-minutes per station per allowed days.
- Hand watering with a garden hose/nozzle and low-flow irrigation systems (Including drip irrigation and micro spray) that emit less than two gallons per hour are exempt from days of week and time limitations.
Recommended Conservation Measures:
- Eliminate runoff from sprinklers.
- Use an automatic shut-off nozzle on hoses while washing cars.
- Do not irrigate or water outdoors for 48 hours after rain.
- Do not use potable water for non-recirculating fountains, ponds and water features.
- Do not use potable water to wash driveways and other hardscapes.
(626) 446-5176
Recommended Watering Schedule:
All Golden State Water Company territories are currently under Stage 1. Under this stage, all outdoor irrigation is limited to three days per week, assigned by address. Outdoor irrigation is allowed only after 7PM and before 8AM. Given that water conditions will continue to evolve, customers are encouraged to use water wisely and only use what is needed.
- Odd Address (Addresses ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9): Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
- Even Address (Addresses ending in 2, 4, 6, 8, 0): Sunday, Wednesday, Friday
3. San Gabriel Valley Water Company
(626) 448-6183
SGVWC encourages customers to observe the following water saving practices, but will not be enforced.
- Limit watering your yard to three days per week.
- Water no more than 10 minutes per station and water early. Avoid watering during the heat of the day.
- Fix any indoor or outdoor leaks within 5 days.
- Do not hose off sidewalks, driveways and other hardscapes.
- Do not wash a motor vehicle with a hose, unless the hose is fitted with a shut-off nozzle.
- Do not operate a fountain or decorative water feature, unless the water is part of a recirculating system.
- Do not water outdoor landscape in a manner that causes excess runoff, or within 48 hours following measurable precipitation.
- Do not irrigate with potable water of ornamental turf on public street medians.
To report water waste in your community, please email us at [email protected]
(626) 287-0341
*On Tuesday, April 11, 2023, the SGCWD Board of Directors declared a Stage 1 Water Supply Emergency. The measure is intended to cut water use by 10 percent system-wide. To help reach that goal, the following conservation measures are currently in effect:
Active Watering Schedule:
- Outdoor watering is now limited to two days per week. All watering must take place between 6 PM and 8 AM according to the following schedule:
- Properties with EVEN numbered addresses may only water on Mondays and Thursdays.
Properties with ODD numbered addresses may only water on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Active Water Use Restrictions:
- Potable water may not be used to clean driveways and other hard surfaces unless required for health or safety reasons.
- Hoses must have an auto-shutoff nozzle when used for watering landscapes or washing cars.
- Drinking water can no longer be used to fill, clean, or maintain ponds or other water features unless they have a recirculating system.
- Swimming pools and spas can be topped off, but draining and refilling pools, spas, or fountains is no longer allowed.
- Restaurants may only provide glasses of drinking water to diners upon request.
- Irrigation systems shall not be utilized within 48 hours of measurable rainfall.
- All indoor and outdoor leaks must be repaired within 72 hours of any noticed provided by SGCWD.
- Irrigation systems must be maintained and adjusted as necessary to avoid any excessive runoff on streets and sidewalks.
(626) 571-7533
- Recommend customers limit outdoor water use to two days per week:
- Properties with EVEN numbered addresses may only water on Mondays and Thursdays.
Properties with ODD numbered addresses may only water on Tuesdays and Fridays.
- No watering between 8 AM and 6 PM.
- Limits water duration to no more than 8 minutes of watering per day per station.
Water Conservation Programs and Rebates:
For more information and tips on water conservation, conservation programs, educational workshops, and rebate programs for drought-tolerant landscaping, please visit the following:
Golden State Water Company
California American Water Company
- CAAW offers residential indoor and outdoor rebates through its partnership with Metropolitan Water District of So. Cal. Please visit socalwatersmart.com for a full list of rebates and to apply.
- CLICK HERE for a Commercial Rebate application
Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District
- Water Smart Home Kit
Upper District has readapted its Water Smart Home Program to reach more residents and encourage greater water savings with its new “Water Smart Home Conservation Kit.” The free kit includes a variety of indoor and outdoor water use efficiency devices that can be easily installed at home without a contractor. Several of the items include: faucet aerators, showerheads, and sprinkler nozzles. The program is provided through the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District and will begin accepting applications in July 2022. To be placed on a notification list or have questions, please contact [email protected] or call (626) 443-2297.
- Residential Plant Voucher Program
The Residential Plant Voucher Pilot Program offers qualifying residents a voucher redeemable for up to $250 worth of approved climate-appropriate plants to help transform their yards into beautiful water efficient landscapes. For more information on the program, please contact [email protected] or call (626) 443-2297.
San Gabriel Valley Water Company
- Free Sprinkler Timer and Nozzle Retrofit Program
San Gabriel Valley Water Company is offering a FREE weather-based irrigation controller to any qualifying customer. If you have a working irrigation system with an existing controller and at least 20 sprinkler nozzles (brass sprinkler heads do not qualify) you are eligible. This is a first come first serve program. For more eligibility requirements, information on the program, call (626) 448-6183.
- Create Your Garden Program
Qualified residential customers are eligible to receive, at no cost, custom plans from a professional landscaper, supplies to help remove your current turf, and free plants and mulch to create your water-friendly landscape. You’ll also receive training on proper installation and garden maintenance so you can keep your new garden healthy. For more eligibility requirements, information on the program, call (626) 448-6183.
- High Efficiency Toilet Distribution Program
Qualified residential customers can receive up to 2 free High Efficiency Toilets to replace their old higher volume water using toilets. The new HETs will be shipped directly to your home. A maximum of two HETs is allowed per household. Existing toilets must be manufactured before 1995 or have a flush rating of greater than 1.6 gallons per flush to qualify. For more eligibility requirements, information on the program, call (626) 448-6183.
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California offers water-saving rebates and grants, landscape classes, water-wise garden inspiration and tons of helpful tips on how to lower your water use. For more information about water-saving rebates, please visit the websites below or call (888) 376-3314.
Additional Resources:
Water conservation guides and educational resources on how residents can help conserve water at home.